Reasons to Eat Dates Every Day, Dates are one of the oldest fruits in the world. According to some sources, humans have been cultivating them for 6,000 years, and even the Bible itself mentions them. Originally from the Middle East, today the date palm grows in many countries around the world, including India, Spain, Mexico, and the United States.
Among the many varieties of this unique fruit, the so-called royal dates stand out in particular. Its exact name is Medjool. This “king of dates” can be up to seven centimeters long and three centimeters in diameter has a slightly moist and soft texture and a caramel-honey flavor with a barely noticeable hint of cinnamon.
But that’s not all! Thanks to the nutrients they contain, Medjool dates have many preventive and therapeutic properties, and today we at How to Green want to tell you about them in detail. In this article, you will also read about why dates are a safe delicacy for your figure, and learn how to make an incredibly tasty and healthy chocolate mousse.
Nutritional Value of Royal Dates
In Russia, dates are usually sold dried, which greatly extends their shelf life. The average nutritional value of one date is about 66 calories, and 100 grams of dried fruit (4-5 pieces), respectively, about 277 kcal. The same 100-gram portion contains about 18 grams of carbohydrates, of which 16 grams are sugar, as well as 6.7 grams of fiber. The content of protein and fat in dates is minimal, while trans fats are completely absent.
Reasons to Eat Dates Every Day
1. Dates are high in potassium
100 grams of the fruit contains about 20% of the daily requirement of this important nutrient for health. Potassium is involved in muscle growth and controls fluid balance and the body’s pH level. It also has a positive effect on blood pressure, and heart rate, and protects against strokes.
2. A serving of dates contains up to 30% of the daily fiber you need.
The 6.7 grams of fiber from four to five dates is about one-third of the daily recommended intake for women. This nutrient is responsible for the health and regularity of the intestines and is also involved in reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol.
3. Dates are a healthy sugar substitute
Despite the high content of natural sugar, the glycemic index of dates is considered low, and therefore they are suitable even for diabetics. Another interesting fact: participants in one study consumed 100 grams of dates daily for four weeks, and at the end of the experiment, their body mass index did not change on average, that is, they did not gain excess weight.
4. Dates are rich in antioxidants
Due to the phenolic compounds tannins, dates protect the body from inflammation and dangerous free radicals. This helps prevent the development of such serious diagnoses as osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer, and a number of neurodegenerative diseases.
5. Dates reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases
This happens due to the action of the already-mentioned potassium and antioxidants. Together, they help regulate the level of triglycerides, which cause clogged blood vessels, and oxidative stress, which is also dangerous for the health of the cardiovascular system.
6. Dates are a source of many nutrients
Below is a list of the essential vitamins and minerals found in 100 grams of dates, along with the percentage of the daily recommended intake for an adult.
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- Potassium, 696 mg, 19.9%
- Magnesium, 54 mg, 13.5%
- Vitamin B6, 0.25 mg, 12.5%
- Vitamin B3 (niacin), 1.61 mg, 8%
- Calcium, 64 mg, 6.4%
- Phosphorus, 62 mg, 6.2%
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), 0.06 mg, 3.5%
- Vitamin K, 2.7 mcg, 3.4%
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine), 0.05 mg, 3.3%
- Vitamin A, 149 IU, 3%
- Zinc, 0.44 mg, 2.9%
The listed nutrients participate in many of the most important processes of our body’s life. For example, they regulate metabolic settings, are responsible for healthy vision, strong bones, youthful appearance, and elasticity of the skin, regulate stress levels, sleep quality, and improve digestion.
7. You can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes with dates
And finally, the best part: dates are incredibly versatile! In addition to eating them plain or with a handful of nuts, they are also great for sweetening baked goods, desserts, homemade candies, green smoothies, protein shakes, nut milk, and adding them to salads, making sauces, dressings, and other delicious things.
Below we share a couple of simple recipes that will easily make dates one of your favorite foods.
How to Green Recipe #1: Make a Healthy Medjool Date Spread. You will need 1 cup pitted Medjool dates, ½–1 cup filtered or coconut water, 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice, a pinch of cinnamon, and nutmeg for flavor. Soak the dates in the prepared water for at least 30 minutes. Once they are soft, throw the dates and the liquid in a blender. Add lemon juice for flavor and spices if desired. Blend all the ingredients until you get a smooth paste. Transfer the finished date spread to an airtight jar and store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Use the paste as a jam, for example, on whole-grain toast toasted with ghee.
How to Green Recipe #2: Make Vegan Avocado Chocolate Mousse. You will need: 2 ripe and soft avocados, 4 tbsp cocoa powder, 5 pitted medjool dates (you can soak them in water first if you like), 1 can of coconut milk, ½ tsp vanilla extract, a pinch of sea salt, cinnamon, and fresh berries for serving. Add the avocado pulp, cocoa, dates, vanilla extract, and salt to a blender. Next, open the can of coconut milk, being careful not to shake it first. Carefully skim the thick coconut cream that has gathered at the surface with a spoon and transfer it to a blender. Add a couple of tablespoons of liquid coconut milk from the bottom of the can and begin blending all the ingredients on low. If the consistency of the mousse is too thick, add more coconut milk and run the blender again. Repeat until you are completely satisfied with the result. Divide the finished mousse into dessert glasses and put it in the refrigerator for one hour. Before serving, garnish the dish with berries and sprinkle with cinnamon. Done! By the way, you should get about four servings.
Perhaps because dates are not local fruit, they have not yet managed to confidently “enter” our kitchens. And in vain! We suggest you cast aside all doubts and, at the first opportunity, go to the market for a batch of select royal dates.