7 Worst Foods You Should Eliminate From Your Diet Once and For All

Worst Foods You Should Eliminate, The development of the food industry in recent decades has reached impressive proportions. As a result, there is an abundance of products in supermarkets and cafes with affordable food and drinks. However, is everything so cloudless? Unfortunately, no… Many packaged products from stores and dishes offered in fast food restaurants are harmful to health. This article, How to Green talks about seven categories of products that should be completely excluded from your diet.

1. White sugar and any products with a high content of it

You may have heard that refined sugar is “empty” calories, meaning it contains no vitamins, no minerals, and nothing at all. However, this fact is just the tip of the iceberg in an endless list of harmful effects of its consumption. Thus, studies have proven the key role of sugar in the development of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, liver disease, obesity, diabetes, and even cancer. Sugar also contributes to the accumulation of visceral fat on the internal organs, which causes severe inflammatory processes.

Unfortunately, many people have no idea how much sugar they consume daily. It is cleverly hidden in many products, including those considered “healthy,” such as cereals and granola bars (which, by the way, Hugh Jackman talks about in the movie “Sugar” ). Large amounts of sugar are also found in soda, lemonade, and coffee drinks. Today, the average adult sugar intake is 22 teaspoons per day. Just imagine that scary amount! And another trap: sugar is highly addictive, as it promotes the production of dopamine, which stimulates feelings of pleasure.

2. White flour, as well as bread, baked goods, and ready-made desserts made from it

Regular white flour is essentially the same “empty” calories as sugar. During the production of flour, up to 70-90% of the beneficial vitamins and minerals from whole grains are lost. Due to the high glycemic index, when it enters the body, it causes sharp jumps in blood sugar. In addition, flour has a negative effect on the skin, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and accelerates the aging of the body. People with sensitivity to gluten, a protein contained in white flour products, may experience allergic reactions, digestive problems, fatigue, and headaches. So think twice before giving in to weakness and eating a muffin or sweet cookies. And if you absolutely cannot live without bread, a better alternative would be the whole-grain version.

Also Read : 10 Healthiest Leafy Greens

3. Processed products

This section will cover products that have undergone extensive industrial processing and are ready to eat. These include ready-made frozen meals (lunches, pizza), ready-made breakfasts, instant noodles, fast food, ready-made sauces, mayonnaise, chips, crackers, chocolate bars, and others. As a rule, such products have a long shelf life, have a high content of salt, sugar, and trans fats, and contain gluten, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. This composition determines the extremely low nutritional value of the products and, at the same time, their high degree of danger. Possible negative consequences include heart disease, obesity, diabetes, internal inflammatory processes, and skin rashes. The widespread use of food additives and preservatives makes products even more undesirable to eat. Below is a list of the most harmful E-additives that have a detrimental effect on the human body, including death:

  • E 102, E 110, E 124 and E 133 are artificial colors used in cheeses, breakfast cereals, sweets, and lemonades;
  • E 211 is a strong carcinogen added to canned food to increase shelf life;
  • E 220 – beverage colour stabilizer;
  • E 250 – color fixative and preservative in meat and fish products;
  • E 320 – flavor and color fixative in chips and vegetable oils;
  • E 621 – flavor enhancer in frozen foods and snacks.

4. Processed meat products

We sincerely believe that the majority of How to Green readers are vegetarians or at least pescatarians. However, it is likely that your loved ones – parents, friends, colleagues – eat sausages, hot dogs, frankfurters, bacon, ham, fast food burgers, or canned meat. Tell them how harmful these products really are. According to a study published in 2010, people who regularly consume 50 grams of meat products (the equivalent of one sausage) have a higher risk of heart disease (up to 42%) and a 20% higher risk of developing diabetes. And the WHO has classified all types of sausage products as cancer-causing products.

5. Margarine

Considering margarine a healthier alternative to butter is a big misconception. It is an artificially synthesized product that contains only harmful trans fats. They lead to an increase in the level of “bad” cholesterol and damage to the walls of blood vessels, which means strokes and other serious heart diseases. For cooking, use healthier alternatives, such as unrefined olive oil or ghee.

6. Deep-fried dishes

French fries are a weakness for many. But few people know that they are harmful not only because of the fat but also because the process of cooking (at high temperatures) produces harmful chemical compounds. Fans of French fries often suffer from fat deposits in the waist area and also have a high risk of stroke, breast cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Among other deep-fried dishes that should be avoided: are chicken and nuggets from fast foods and the popular fried dessert – donuts.

7. Artificial sweeteners

It’s hard to imagine, but artificial sweeteners and diet drinks containing them can also have a very negative effect on us. It is assumed that their use disrupts the body’s natural ability to respond to glucose. This leads to severe disruptions and metabolic disorders. Judging by the weak manifestations in the pleasure centers of the brain, sweeteners also do not satisfy the emerging need for sweets. The result is a tendency to overeat high-calorie foods and gain extra pounds.

It is worth knowing that one of the most well-known sweeteners – aspartame, which is widely used in drinks, desserts, pastries, and chewing gum – is considered highly toxic. It has a detrimental effect on memory and can lead to the development of brain tumors, lymphoma, Parkinson’s disease, migraines, and other serious illnesses.

And finally, our advice is to cook for yourself and your loved ones more often. Home-cooked food is usually a healthier option. Use only fresh ingredients whose origin is not in question. Whenever possible, buy organic and farm-raised products that do not contain antibiotics, hormones, and pesticides. If you eat fish, choose wild species. And cook with love. This is perhaps the most important ingredient in any kitchen.