Affordable Products for Women’s diet is very crucial, the basis of our diet is food that is familiar to most residents of central Russia. Fortunately, our local products are no less tasty and healthy than their overseas counterparts and are much cheaper. In addition, this is a great support for ecology and the environment, which we often talk about in our materials. Today we will tell you about seven superfoods of the central zone that every woman should include in her diet.
We follow new products and superfoods that appear on the international healthy food market with great enthusiasm and interest. But we regret that people often ignore the wonderful vegetables, fruits, cereals, and animal products that have traditionally been consumed by people in our region, that are great for maintaining health, and that are definitely worth including in the diet.
Local products have many advantages: no long transportation, which helps keep them fresh without additional processing, affordable price (such products cost significantly less than imported ones), plus our bodies best absorb exactly what our ancestors have been eating for many years.
A healthy diet does not necessarily have to be complicated and expensive: many of the vegetables, fruits, and cereals we are used to contain no fewer nutrients than overseas mangoes and quinoa. And we think that deliciously cooked products that we have known since childhood nourish us not only physically, but also emotionally. So, what local superfoods should every woman include in her diet?
1. Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables, or cabbage, include a huge number of different vegetables, many of which are familiar to our region and have been eaten since ancient times. White and red cabbage, broccoli, rutabaga, turnip, radish, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and others are some of the most useful vegetables in existence. The diverse nutrient composition covers most of the human body’s needs for vitamins, minerals, fiber, and partly for protein. Cabbage family vegetables have powerful anti-cancer properties that help not only prevent the occurrence of this disease but also reduce the number of malignant cells in the active phase.
Cabbage is also very useful for women’s health in terms of hormonal balance – it helps normalize estrogen levels in the liver and blood, removing its excess and improving women’s health. If you tend to accumulate excess weight in the hip area, this is most likely the reason, and daily inclusion of these vegetables will help you restore your cycle and mood and get rid of a couple of extra centimeters.
2. Fresh herbs
What could be tastier than fresh aromatic greens – parsley, dill, coriander, tarragon, sorrel, spinach? This is the healthiest superfood, and it is so accessible and familiar, but the properties of greens are underestimated by many. Coriander, for example, provides the body not only with a large number of essential minerals and vitamins, and easily digestible protein but also removes heavy metals from the body.
Parsley helps remove excess fluid and eliminates edema, dandelion and chicory maintain the health of the liver and gallbladder, and therefore the entire gastrointestinal tract and health in general. If you do not like to eat greens just like that, you can add them to smoothies, chop them finely, and mix them into cereals and soups, or make sauces with them. Greens should be made an integral part of your diet if you want to stay beautiful, vigorous, and healthy for a long time.
3. Chicken eggs
Eggs have long had a mixed reputation: many have accused them of hurting metabolism and cholesterol levels, but modern research claims that the cholesterol contained in the yolk does not have a significant effect on blood cholesterol levels. The benefits of eggs are hard to overestimate: egg white is the standard of protein and one of the most easily digestible types of protein. The yolk contains a lot of useful vitamins and nutrients (in particular lecithin), necessary for healthy brain and liver function. We do not encourage you to eat eggs from morning to night, but six to seven high-quality eggs a week, according to the latest research, will only benefit you and your health.
4. Fatty fish
Fatty fish is another beauty product that will enrich your diet and keep your body in balance. Many people compare it exclusively to salmon, but healthy fats are also found in many other species, including those that live in the Russian seas. Cod, halibut, flounder, and herring – eating such fish two or three times a week, significantly reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases, nervous system, and metabolic disorders. A big advantage of eating fish that lives in our region is its freshness. Give preference to wild fish and, if possible, buy chilled or fresh-frozen.
5. Root vegetables
Root vegetables are another type of vegetable that is underestimated by many, They include not only beets and potatoes but also carrots, pumpkin, rutabaga, turnips, Jerusalem artichoke, celery root, and parsley. All of these products are traditional for Russian cuisine, but, unfortunately, have been forgotten in recent times. But root vegetables are an excellent source of carbohydrates and soft fiber, which is healing for the gastrointestinal tract and is great for people who want to reduce the amount of grains and cereals in their diet.
6. Buckwheat
Buckwheat is probably the product that most people associate with Russia. And that’s great, because buckwheat is one of the healthiest cereals, and its regular consumption is a preventative measure against many diseases. Buckwheat is a pseudo-cereal that does not contain gluten, is rich in vegetable protein and iron, and is easily absorbed and digested. Buckwheat has anti-cancer properties, normalizes metabolism, supports digestion, and supplies the body with many important vitamins and minerals.
Brown buckwheat is more common in Russia, but recently you can increasingly find raw, unroasted green buckwheat on the shelves. Both types are healthy, but they differ significantly in taste and structure. We love crumbly brown buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, and green buckwheat can be sprouted, used to make healthy granola, and added to smoothies and salads.
7. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another common kitchen staple that has recently gained the status of a superfood. When choosing vinegar, buy “live,” unpasteurized vinegar (the kind with dark brown sediment floating at the bottom). This vinegar is rich in probiotics, and its regular use has a beneficial effect on digestion and normalizes microflora.
Apple cider vinegar is a great base for dressings, and a drop of it will add new depth and an unusual flavor to any soup. If you have weak digestion, and a tendency to bloating and heaviness, water with a small amount of apple cider vinegar before meals will help produce gastric juice, which means everything you eat will be better digested and absorbed.
It is not necessary to come up with a complex and multi-component diet to be healthy. The middle zone is rich in fruits, vegetables, cereals, fish, and other products that will support not only your beauty and health but also your wallet and the environment. By making these products the basis of your diet, you will be able to normalize your digestion, and hormonal background and feel good without unnecessary stress.