Reasons to Drink Kombucha Every Day

Reasons to Drink Kombucha Every Day, Sparkling, aromatic, and somewhat reminiscent of champagne, the increasingly popular drink Kombucha can be bought in health food stores and some restaurants. In fact, Kombucha is our old good friend, the “drink of longevity”, as they call it in China, or simply – an infusion of kombucha. This is an unpretentious pet of our grandmothers, popular in folk medicine, but somewhat forgotten in recent decades and displaced by store-bought sodas and drinks from Starbucks.

Kombucha (tea fungus infusion) is a slightly carbonated fermented drink made from tea leaves (or coffee) and sugar, which acquires a sour taste and a lot of health benefits. In the early 20th century, Russian and German scientists carefully studied the properties of kombucha, but science has yet to reveal all the secrets of this amazing culture. The second birth of Kombucha was given to the development of microbiology. Research conducted within the framework of the Human Microbiome Project has proven that human microflora directly affects our well-being, appearance, and even food preferences. The culture itself has little in common with ordinary mushrooms and looks like a jellyfish. Despite its unusual appearance, there are many reasons to make friends with Kombucha.

In this article, Yulia Maltseva, a detox specialist, author of the blog, and a virtuoso fermentologist, will share her secret recipes and why you should drink kombucha every day. More inspiring recipes and tips on making live probiotic food and drinks can be found in the Fermentorium group that Yulia runs on Facebook.

Reason 1: Kombucha is the best replacement for harmful soda

Typically, store-bought soda contains a ton of sugar, preservatives, and colorings. Homemade kombucha is a great alternative to unhealthy store-bought drinks. The basic kombucha infusion itself has a pleasant, refreshing taste that can be diversified with fruits, berries, and spices. Carbonation is formed in the kombucha drink due to natural fermentation and will not cause bloating or other problems, unlike artificially carbonated drinks.

“But what about sugar?” you ask. Kombucha does have sugar added to it, as it is needed to start fermentation, but it is absorbed by the yeast, so there is virtually no sugar in the final product. You can also use unrefined cane or coconut sugar instead of regular white sugar to make kombucha. The benefits are undeniable.

Reason 2: Kombucha is a detox drink

Antioxidants from tea, vitamins, micronutrients, and especially acids that form in the finished infusion support cleansing and normal functioning of the liver. To further enrich kombucha with phytonutrients – natural substances from plants that support the health of various systems and organs – add fresh berries, fruits, and juices to the infusion.

Reason 3: Kombucha improves digestion

Due to the content of probiotics, enzymes, and useful acids, kombucha has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes stomach acidity, and improves intestinal microflora. This is especially important in the summer during intestinal infections. Add mint and lemon to the kombucha infusion – they will additionally stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and digestion.

Reason 4: Kombucha Strengthens the Immune System

Kombucha will help you stay healthy in any weather, even if the summer is capricious, but you want to spend more time outdoors. It maintains healthy intestinal microflora, the composition of which determines 80% of the body’s immune response. Try kombucha infusion with ginger or turmeric root: it starts metabolism and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Reason 5: Increased energy levels

Reasons to Drink Kombucha Every Day, The tonic effect of kombucha is partly due to the tannin in the tea, which has a milder effect on the central nervous system than caffeine. But the real boost of energy comes from the rich nutrient and vitamin composition of kombucha. For those who like to “cheer up”: try kombucha prepared with coffee. The caffeine from this drink will not go anywhere, but along with kombucha, you will get a portion of vitamins and probiotics – a profitable advantage over Starbucks coffee and energy drinks.

Reason 6: Alternative to alcoholic drinks

Instead of sweet and high-calorie alcoholic drinks that slow down your metabolism and often have consequences, try fizzy kombucha with spices. The finished infusion contains a small amount of alcohol, which is enough to lift your mood without a headache. Try a kombucha mojito: kombucha infusion + lime + mint. Refreshingly refreshing!

Reason 7: Kombucha helps you lose weight

Reasons to Drink Kombucha Every Day, A 2005 study suggests that kombucha improves metabolism and reduces body fat. Of course, more research is needed in this area to draw firm conclusions. However, kombucha has such a rich taste and rich composition that the feeling of hunger after a glass of kombucha subsides for a long time. Kombucha with chia seeds will help cope with sudden feelings of hunger and subsequent overeating and unhealthy snacks.

Some general tips:

1) Kombucha infusion has several contraindications that you should be familiar with.

2) When choosing a Kombucha culture, pay attention to its quality and the experience of the seller. It is advisable to buy kombucha with certificates of conformity and safety for consumption.

3) Kombucha is unpretentious but still requires care and attention. If you want to grow the mushroom at home, it is advisable to enlist the support of more experienced dermatologists.